Saturday, April 22, 2006


Here's an old review of Secret Asian Man which I consider as the best critical writing done on any of my books. It's by Vic Velasco.

A new interview in Mangrove done by Neil de la Flor about my visual poetry.

My favorite interview is by Profesora Elisabetta Marino, from the University of Rome, Tor Vergata which I did in Italian for the academic cultural magazine El Ghibli. sulla scrittura dell io attraverso la poesia: un intervista a nick carbo: Here.

Here's an interview with Rommel, a kindly undergraduate at SFSU who had to do a big web project on a contemporary poet. It seems he forgot to use his spell check and grammar check before posting to the web. Here.

Almost forgot about this one from National Public Radio in their Intersections program of the Morning Edition show. You can download and hear the interview as well as see links to other resources. Here.

Here's a "Conversation" with me and the fab fiction writer M. Evelina Galang which was conducted by Rocio Davis for the Filipino American Literature issue of the academic journal MELUS. Here.

A nice interview with the famous Ivy Alvarez done in Dublin, Ireland for the Aussy lit mag CORDITE: Here.

Friday, April 21, 2006

did i ever say that my favorite south florida bookstore is

BBnew, originally uploaded by carbonator.

Books & Books, especially the main coral gables store. they support local writers and we have little pages on their web site where we recommend our latest reads.

Friday, April 14, 2006

first line of my novel

I did not know that she would turn out to be a passive aggressive monster whose motherly eyes would well-up with tears every time she wanted to get away with something. Those tear ducts may as well have been connected to an oversized turkey baster lodged inside her head.

Thursday, April 13, 2006

also enlarging our poetry

eugene gloria hoodlum birds, originally uploaded by carbonator.

is this beautiful second book Hoodlum Birds by eugene gloria. we're putting out some important literature. read!

who said filipino american poetry does not exist? i'll spank you on your butt!

Realuyo_cover, originally uploaded by carbonator.

here is the latest winner of the agha shahid ali prize for poetry The Gods We Worship Live Next Door by Bino A. Realuyo.


atmargies3, originally uploaded by carbonator.

that's margie in the middle next to kimberly who is holding the giant orchids. too many pink martinis, hah!


atmargies2, originally uploaded by carbonator.

marjorie klein had an intimate dinner party for some special writer friends: there's les standiford, me, denise, (in front) madeline blaise, and kimberly standiford. margie cooked up a fab meal in her condo that ovelooks the bay and the venician causeway.