come to the college, do the obligatory
class visit to the poetry workshop.
"Are you guys married?" asks the poetry
major. The visiting male poet turns
to the visiting female poet as if she
were the one who had his balls
in a velvet vice and could put
the right check mark
in that stupid little box. "No,"
she says, "we're, living in sin."
The male visiting poet slides
his hands over his tawny
courduroy pants, thinks,
"I could let a line break escape
from my ass right now,
but she's gonna nag me
about that later on." They get
through the class visit
without incidence, only a slight
foreshadowing of what's to come
during their featured reading.
The female visiting poet reads
first and reads for 40 long minutes,
and her boyfriend/lover/sinner-man
looks lovingly back at her
as if his life depended upon her
every word. What he's really
thinking is if she'll let him take
her doggy-style later tonight
in the hotel room, let him
spank the like and as
of each cheek as he approaches
his well-deserved epiphany,
his red caesura.